Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Be Real. <3

How do we know if we're truly happy anymore with so much technology around to easily use as a tool of validation? I can update my myspace/facebook every 20 minutes of the day bragging and publicizing how happy I am. I can post pictures everyday of the socks I put on today to let my "friends" know that they match & have a Chanel label on them so people are well-aware that I have money & lots of it. I can take pictures with every person I come in contact with to make damn sure that I know people & lots of them. What happened to the good old days when satisfaction was personal and intimate?

I can't tell you how many times I got sucked into the evil world of "postings" and "updates" to let people know what I was doing every second of every day in hopes that the people who don't like me will be jealous. Yes, I am one of the few who will admit that. I loved knowing that they were looking at my profile and wondering what I was doing, and my initial instinct was to give them something to look at & get all flustered about. That's the virgo in me :) Haha. That's besides the point.

We get so caught up in having the last word and always being on top and more productive and, well, happy than everyone else. How petty? It took me this long, and some of you reading this will say, "God it's about time you grew up." But I can guarantee that people well-over the age of 20 use technology to validate their personal happiness as well. It's 2009. It's what we do. We update everyone we like & dislike because we can.

I realized that if you really want people to get upset and hot & bothered over what you are doing, you shouldn't say anything at all. My so-called status on myspace is at a consistent "in your extended network." It kills people! Honestly! If you really want to know what I'm doing, call me or text me. It's not that difficult. Or I guess you can read my blog if you are a super stalker (You know who you are) to see what I'm up to. But even in my blogs, I keep it in the broader sense and not so much daily.

Anyway. I'm up late and I really don't know why but I really needed to say that. Basically, people who publicize every last detail on their myspaces for everyone to see are not as happy as they "post" haha. I'm sorry, but if you need a comment on myspace to validate relations with others, that's just sad. Myspace and my daily life are nothing alike. The end!

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